This is my personal website. This is where I'm keeping a collection of learnings and musings from my time writing software.
I was born and raised in the south of the United States where I spent far too much time playing Ultima Online. I would eventually go on to at North Carolina State University, studying Nuclear Engineering with a focus on plasma physics. This was also where I first formally studied programming (Fortran was still in vogue).
In 2008, I began working at Los Alamos National Laboratory where I wrote fortran programs modeling reactor shape impacts on criticality.
In 2009, I lived in Japan where I studied Japanese, ate amazing food, and visited some amazing historic sites.
In 2012, I worked as a project manager on a spent fuel storage project aiming to store nuclear fuel rods left over from the Chernobyl accident.
And now I am back where I began in North Carolina. Writing software (though thankfully no longer Fortran).